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University of Dayton

Founded in 1850, the University of Dayton is a top-tier Catholic, Marianist research university deeply committed to the common good. Our faith is a beacon that guides us and leads us to act and build community by inviting people with diverse talents, interests and backgrounds to enrich and advance our common mission.

With one billion dollars in sponsored research contracts underway, the University of Dayton is No. 9 nationally for sponsored research among private four-year U.S. universities that do not perform medical research. We are the No. 1 Catholic university for sponsored engineering research and development – and No. 1 in the nation for all sponsored materials research and development.

We have partnered with some of the world’s largest Fortune 500 companies, helping us to become a more remarkably proactive, forward-thinking university. GE Aviation and Emerson built research facilities right on campus so students and faculty work side-by-side with professionals to create solutions to real-world problems.

More than 8,000 full-time undergraduates and 2,800 graduate and law students from across the country and around the world pursue learning through more than 80 undergraduate and 50 graduate and doctoral programs. We are dedicated in the Marianist tradition, to educating the whole person and linking learning and scholarship with leadership and service.


Displaying 241 - 242 of 242 articles

Prior to the introduction of jets, most commercial airplanes were propeller driven, like the DC-3 pictured here. These planes had a limited cruising altitude – and experienced much more turbulence. NOAA Photo Library

Longing for the ‘golden age’ of air travel? Be careful what you wish for

Sure, you got meals served on china. But planes were frequently delayed, hijacked, and prone to fatal crashes.


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