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Rutgers University - Newark

Rutgers University - Newark (RU-N) is a diverse, urban, public research university that is an anchor institution in New Jersey’s largest city and cultural capital. Nearly 11,500 students are currently enrolled at its 38-acre campus in a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered through the College of Arts and Sciences; University College; the Graduate School; Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick; Rutgers Law School, Newark; the School of Criminal Justice; and the School of Public Affairs and Administration. An engine of discovery, innovation, and social mobility, RU-N has a remarkable legacy of producing high-impact scholarship that is connected to the great questions and challenges of the world. A pivotal strength is that RU-N brings an exceptional diversity of people to this work—students, faculty, staff, and community partners—increasing it innovation, creativity, engagement, and relevance for our time and the times ahead. For more information please visit


Displaying 161 - 178 of 178 articles

Deal or no deal with Iran? John Kerry says yes; others say no. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Obama, the Iran deal and Rawls’ Theory of Justice

Opponents and proponents of the Iran nuclear agreement are mostly taking predictable positions. But what if they operated behind a ‘veil of ignorance’?
A drummer performs at the Beijing International Jazz Festival. Reuters

Can jazz thrive in China?

With Blue Note Jazz Club opening a venue in Beijing, a genre that’s flagging stateside may experience a Far East revival.
A billboard in Tehran. David Holt

From Greece to Iran: the importance of credibility

Lord Palmerston, Britain’s 19th-century prime minister, was reputedly the first person to have coined the phrase that Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests. Many…
No good choices left for Greeks. Alkis Konstantinidis/Reuters

This weekend’s Greek referendum: nobody wins, at least in Greece

So, after five years of interminable rounds of negotiating and posturing, Greece’s status in the eurozone appears to have reached the endgame. It may be premature to pronounce the matter in any way settled…
Iraqi troops training with the US Army June 2015. US Army/Reuters

The politics of paralysis: What the Fed and Iraq have in common

On the face of it, Iraq and the US Federal Reserve share little. One is a country plagued by division, war and mayhem since the US invasion of 2003. It is a brutal world where there are no friends, few…
The fight over fast-track trade authority increasingly resembles a Shakespearean tragedy. Tempest via

Obama, Shakespeare and the aborted legacy of the Trans-Pacific trade agreement

Events in Washington this week on the proposed historic 12-member Trans-Pacific trade agreement have had all the key elements of a Shakespearean tragedy. A resolute, noble and well-intentioned ruler (played…
American justice at work. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

What the FIFA scandal really tells us – about the US

I have lived in the US for over three decades. And I have never seen soccer – that is, real “football” – dominate the front pages of US newspapers for so many days and with so many stories. In that sense…
John Kerry talks trade with workers at Boeing POOL New/ Reuters

Is TPP about jobs – or China?

Washington is in the midst of a heated debate over President Obama’s proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. It certainly has created some unorthodox political bedfellows. The president is…
London, the morning after the election. Stefan Wermuth/Reuters

Did Great Britain really just get less great?

The British election has come and gone, and the results have confounded the expectations of most pollsters. Words such as “historic,” “extraordinary” and “political earthquake” have been used to describe…
Would-be Europeans, survivors of a Mediterranean crossing gone wrong Darrin Zammit/Reuters

Influx of immigrants shines light on the darker side of Europe

German philosopher Jurgen Habermas once famously pronounced the European Union a force for good: A model for what he described as a “cosmopolitan world order.” The Nobel committee agreed and in 2012 awarded…
Visitors mourn at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, Armenia. David Mdzinarishvili/Reuters

The 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide

On the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, we asked scholars to reflect on the significance of Armenian insistence on remembering and Turkey’s insistence that the genocide never happened.
Is the next US President among these contenders? Rand Paul, Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio. US Senate and Marc Nozell

Clinton, Paul, Rubio: Three very different images of US foreign policy

It’s hard to believe, but the 2016 US presidential election process has begun in earnest. Two major candidates, Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton, recently announced they are running. And now Marco Rubio.


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