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Bournemouth University

Bournemouth University (BU) is based on the south coast of England and is recognised as one of the most innovative universities in the UK; bringing together professional and academic excellence.

BU’s core vision is “Creating the most stimulating, challenging, and rewarding university experience in a world-class learning community by sharing our unique fusion of excellent education, research and professional practice and inspiring our students, graduates and staff to enrich the world.”

In 2012 BU was awarded The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for its contribution to world-leading excellence and pioneering development in computer animation. The Media School at Bournemouth University has been designated as the only Centre for Excellence in Media Practice in the UK by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) while our School of Tourism has been designated as a Centre of Excellence in Tourism by the World Tourism Organisation. BU is also the number one research centre in the world for fish biology.

Graduate employment rates are consistently high at over 90% and BU has more students on placement than any other university in England. BU has a community of almost 19,000 students from over 100 different countries, while 5,982 students graduated from BU in 2012 alone.

With BU’s Lansdowne Campus near the centre of Bournemouth and Talbot Campus three miles inland on the boundary of Bournemouth and Poole, BU is an important player in the local economy and is widely involved in enriching the local community as well as its students.


Displaying 281 - 300 of 310 articles

There’s an app for that. Camdiluv

Six wearables and apps to improve health and happiness

The age of the wearable is fast upon us, and many of the new products we’re going to see in the next 12 months will be all about health and happiness. The New York Times recently predicted that soon some…
It’s tough out there. EPA/Yoan Valat

Explainer: how to win a Tour de France sprint

The final dash to the line in a Tour de France sprint finish may appear to the bystander to be a mess of bodies trying to cram into the width of a road, but there is a high degree of strategy involved…
Show of hands: the UN Security Council. EPA/Justin Lane

Explainer: international law and flight MH17

As the events surrounding the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine become clearer, more and more voices are claiming the plane may have been shot down by pro-Russian separatists in eastern…
Blink and you’ll miss the subtle changes we’ve made to bikes of late. thelearningcurvedotca

Explainer: how do cyclists reach super fast speeds?

Even though spoked wheels and pneumatic tyres were invented in the 1880s, bicycle design hasn’t really changed a great deal in the time since – at least, at face value. However, look closer and around…
Give documentaries on AIDS the centre stage. Dylan Mohan Gray

Documentaries can tell us more about AIDS than Hollywood

Documentaries have the power to tell the stories with the most impact. They describe the “real” world, present “real” problems. Despite this, it is drama and Hollywood film that reaches the masses. As…
Austria’s Roman Rabl makes light work of the Sochi slopes. EPA/Vassil Donev

The incredible tech behind Paralympian daredevil stunts

Watching the Paralympics makes us forget about the term “disability” and the idea that sport with a disability is about limitations. The athletes on the slopes and rinks at Sochi are showing us that theirs…
Tune in, anytime and anywhere. Bloutiouf

Mass online meditation lets you zone out in cyberspace

For the past year I’ve been experimenting with meditating live online with people around the world. Their chosen spot is not a temple or a church hall or a sitting room, but cyberspace. Meditation is fast…
Out and about on the digital farm. Sabrina Dent

Virtual nature makes us feel good even if it’s Farmville

Environmental psychologists have long known that encounters with the natural world are good for us. But nature can now also be found in our virtual lives – in the photos we share online, the games we play…


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