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University of Sussex

Sussex is a leading research university, as reflected in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Over 90 per cent of Sussex research activity was rated as world leading, internationally excellent or internationally recognised, confirming the University among the leading 30 research universities in the UK, on a simple average across all scores. 18 subjects rank in the top 20 for research in the UK, across the arts, sciences and social sciences, with American studies ranked number 1 in the UK, Politics number 2, and Art history number 3.


Displaying 481 - 500 of 582 articles

Protomognathus americanus, the slave-making ant. ©, via Wikimedia Commons

Slave ants and their masters are locked in a deadly relationship

Ants have a reputation of being industrious hard-working animals, sacrificing their own benefit for the good of the colony. They live to serve their queen and take care of all essential tasks including…
Spot the biggest. Rutherford Observatory

How big is the biggest star we have ever found?

The universe is such a big place that it is easy to get baffled by the measurements that astronomers make. The size of UY Scuti, possibly one of the largest stars we have observed to date, is certainly…
Time for human trials? Halfpoint

Three-person IVF: science shows ethical questions remain unanswered

Diseases caused by genetic mutations in the mitochondria – the powerhouses of the cell – can be disabling, or even deadly. That is why mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT), otherwise also known as three-person…
Are they really worth the cost? EPA/Vincent Jannink

Our addiction to Apple is why its profits are soaring

Apple has reported the largest quarterly profit ever made by a public company. This is largely thanks to record iPhone sales of 74.5m units over the Christmas period. With prices starting at US$649 for…
Education reforms in the spotlight. Students in class via Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Only one in ten education reforms analysed for their impact: OECD

Only a tenth of education reforms carried out around the world since 2008 have been analysed by governments for the impact they have on children’s education. A new report by the Organisation for Economic…
Avoid bedroom study, which could lead to distracting photo montage creation. mRallie

How to get teenagers to revise for exams during the holidays

Revising for exams is a necessary evil. Ever since written university exams were first set in England by the Cambridge chemist William Farrish in about 1792, students have struggled to revise. And with…
All the better for hearing you with. Boris Roessler/EPA

Dog brains process human speech in the same way we do

Sometimes it may seem like your dog doesn’t want to listen. But in our study, however, we’ve found that he may understand more than he lets on. Human speech is complex, communicating not only words but…
Have walkies policies won over the canine community? Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Bye bye swivel eyes: how UKIP transformed to woo the masses

As UKIP makes parliamentary gains at every turn, it no longer seems possible to dismiss the party as a group of anti-EU obsessives that has little in common with mainstream politics. The days of the swivel-eyed…
UK cleans up its act but what about finance? Shutterstock handshake

UK corruption down again but are we counting it right?

The UK is rarely seen as one of the world’s problem cases when it comes to corruption. It certainly talks a pretty good game. It has signed up, for example, to the major international anti-corruption treaties…


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