The Conversation

We are a not-for-profit publisher that relies on support from our 'Friends of The Conversation': our philanthropic community who allow us to remain 100% independent and without advertising and paywalls.

Would you like to make a donation and become a Friend of The Conversation? Visit our donation page.

"A heartfelt thank you to every single thoughtful person who has made a donation. It's thanks to the kindness of over 20,000 supporters that we can continue to produce quality journalism and give it away for free so that everyone can be better informed. There's no shame in saying that we depend on you. Thank you."
Misha Ketchell, Managing Editor, The Conversation

Major Donors

Larger donations empower The Conversation by significantly strengthening our newsroom. Recent support has enabled us to expand our breaking news coverage, hire specialised editors, and develop new pathways to our coverage for diverse audiences.

Our Major Donors are Friends of The Conversation who have a special personal relationship with our organisation and the work we do to provide better information to support better decisions. They are kept informed on the impact of their support and join us for special events and opportunities to get closer to our work and our family of experts.

The Conversation would like to thank those individuals who have shown their commitment to our work with a major donation. Major donations for the financial year 2022-2023 are:

Patron (>$10,000)

Lindsay Adams, The Beeton Family Fund, The Bowness Family Foundation, Therese Cochrane & Fred Woollard, The Finkel Foundation, Joyce Kirk, Harrison Young, The Koshland Innovation Fund, Tony Wheeler, Anon (1).

Impact (>$5000)

The Carthew Family Trust, Kathleen Daly, Sean Hughes, Tracey Jarvis-Ball, The Keir Foundation, The Orgill Family Foundation, Bev Rogers, The Sky Foundation, Anon (2).

Catalyst (>$2,500)

Marianne Broadbent, Alan Cameron AO, Sue & Ray Edmondson, Carol Flynn OAM, Mark Scott AO, Michael Wise.

Want to inject evidence into today’s news?

Become a major donor with a direct debit donation of over $2,500

  • The Conversation Foundation Ltd
  • BSB: 063 157
  • Account: 1061 3537

Please use your initials and surname in the transaction description, e.g. R H Smith. All donations are tax-deductible.

For further information or to discuss your support please contact our philanthropy manager Helen Johnstone.

Legacy Supporters

It takes a special individual to decide to extend the impact of their support for future generations. Thank you to our Legacy Supporters who have pledged a gift in their will to The Conversation:

The Estate of Geoff Hook, Sean Hughes, Pamela McLure.

Would you like to share a legacy of knowledge? Find out how

"Having made the decision to include several gifts in my will, it then wasn’t too difficult for me to decide on the benefactors. I wanted my bequests to support issues which I care deeply about and which I believe will have a lasting benefit on the future of our community and our country…The Conversation ticked all the boxes for me."
Pamela McLure, Friend of The Conversation and Legacy Supporter

Power of Ten supporters

The Conversation would like to recognise a select group of people who have shown their support for our work for over 10 years. Many of these Friends of The Conversation have been supporting us since we began. We are humbled by their faith in us and immensely grateful for their continued support. Our thanks to:

Robert Allen, Ronan Bernard, Perry Gretton, Shane Hewitt, Martyn Hiley, Richard Jones, Stephen Lance, Teresa Lennie, Adam Lippiatt, Michael Lewarne, Alan McCormack, Anthony Moon, David More, Courtney Pederson, Jeffrey Potter, John Richardson, Hui-chang (Lan) Wang, Michael Wise, Meredyth Woodward.

"Collaboration, trust, and a commitment to human wellbeing and the public good are at the heart of The Conversation’s success, and that makes it something worth getting behind."
Peter Doherty AC FRS FMedSci, Laureate Professor, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity

The Conversation Foundation Ltd., as trustee for The Conversation Trust

(ABN 80 958 603 438).