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Auburn University

Auburn University was established in 1856 as the East Alabama Male College, 20 years after the city of Auburn’s founding. In 1872, under the Morrill Act, the school became the first land-grant college in the South and was renamed the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. In 1899 the name again was changed, to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Finally, in 1960 the name of the school was changed to Auburn University, a title more in keeping with its location, and expressing the varied academic programs and larger curriculum of a major university.


Displaying 41 - 47 of 47 articles

A day without museums? The NEA has been threatened with cuts and elimination many times in its short history, including in 1990. Al Behrman/AP Photo

How the NEA’s measly millions keep America’s museums alive

Trump has indicated he wants to eliminate the National Endowment for the Arts in his budget to save money. The impact on many US museums could be devastating.


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