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Indiana University

Founded in 1820, Indiana University is one of the world’s foremost public institutions. With more than 112,000 students and 19,000 employees statewide, IU continues to pursue its core missions of education and research while building a foundation for the university’s enduring strengths in teaching and learning, world-class scholarship, innovation, creative activity, community engagement and academic freedom. Bloomington is the flagship campus of the university, and each one of IU’s seven campuses is an accredited, four-year degree-granting institution.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 685 articles

Erin Merryn, center, flanked by Senators David J. Valesky, left, and Jeffrey D. Klein, at the New York state senate discussing Erin’s Law in October 2011. New York State Senate

Quick adoption in 34 states of Erin’s Law to prevent child abuse shows power of one individual to make policy

Erin’s Law requires the teaching of child sexual abuse and exploitation prevention classes from kindergarten through eighth grade. How it got adopted by 34 states is the story of one woman’s crusade.
La géo-ingénierie solaire entend réfléchir une partie des rayons du soleil vers l'espace. John Crouch/Moment via Getty Imgaes

La géo-ingénierie, un enjeu géopolitique ? Pour les pays en surchauffe, la tentation de modifier le climat

La géo-ingénierie peut-elle contribuer à réduire les risques du changement climatique pour la sécurité nationale des États, ou les aggraverait-elle au contraire en générant des tensions ?
Solar engineering is designed to reflect some of the Sun’s ray back into space. John Crouch/Moment via Getty Imgaes

Climate engineering carries serious national security risks − countries facing extreme heat may try it anyway, and the world needs to be prepared

The big question: Would climate engineering like sending reflective particles into the stratosphere or brightening clouds help reduce the national security risks of climate change or make them worse?
Todos concordam que as crianças devem comer alimentos saudáveis, mas os pais muitas vezes acabam comendo mal ao escolherem para si um prato não saudável que usam como alternativa caso a criança implique com a comida. skynesher/E+ via Getty Images

Para ajudar crianças a comer alimentos mais saudáveis, os pais devem fazer o mesmo, diz pesquisa

Sem saber se os filhos comerão os alimentos saudáveis colocados em seus pratos, os pais podem preparar um prato menos saudável para si mesmos e servir de alternativa para as crianças
A worker at the National Hurricane Center tracks weather over the Gulf of Mexico. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Politicians may rail against the ‘deep state,’ but research shows federal workers are effective and committed, not subversive

Years of research about the people who work in the federal government finds that most of them are devoted civil servants who are committed to civic duty without regard to partisan politics.
Penny Knight and Phil Knight were the second-largest givers of 2023. Michael Hickey/Getty Images

Donations by top 50 US donors fell again in 2023, sliding to $12B − Mike Bloomberg, Phil and Penny Knight, and Michael and Susan Dell led the list of biggest givers

Three philanthropy scholars discuss several trends in giving by the wealthiest Americans highlighted in this yearly report. Among them: Much of this money doesn’t go to charities right away.


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