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McGill University

Founded in Montreal, Quebec, in 1821, McGill University is Canada’s top ranked medical doctoral university. McGill is consistently ranked as one of the top universities, both nationally and internationally. It is a world-renowned institution of higher learning with research activities spanning two campuses, 11 faculties, 13 professional schools, 300 programs of study and over 40,000 students, including more than 10,200 graduate students. McGill attracts students from over 150 countries around the world, its 12,800 international students making up 31% per cent of the student body. Over half of McGill students claim a first language other than English, including approximately 19% of our students who say French is their mother tongue.

Fondée en 1821, à Montréal, au Québec, l’Université McGill figure au premier rang des universités canadiennes offrant des programmes de médecine et de doctorat. Elle se classe parmi les meilleures universités au Canada et dans le monde. Institution d’enseignement supérieur de renommée mondiale, l’Université McGill exerce ses activités de recherche dans deux campus, 11 facultés et 13 écoles professionnelles; elle compte 300 programmes d’études et au‑delà de 40 000 étudiants, dont plus de 10 200 aux cycles supérieurs. Elle accueille des étudiants originaires de plus de 150 pays, ses 12 800 étudiants internationaux représentant 31 % de sa population étudiante. Au‑delà de la moitié des étudiants de l’Université McGill ont une langue maternelle autre que l’anglais, et environ 19 % sont francophones.


Displaying 81 - 100 of 444 articles

Protective factors like supportive relationships can counteract suicide risk factors. (Shutterstock)

Suicide prevention: Protective factors can build hope and mitigate risks

The focus of suicide prevention is shifting toward protective factors: characteristics that make it less likely that individuals will consider, attempt or die by suicide.
Waste management workers stand outside a waste processing plant in Bengaluru, India. By formalizing the waste collection process, the ‘I Got Garbage’ digital platform transformed waste workers into micro-entrepreneurs. (Suchit Ahuja)

Leveraging digital platforms for public good: Stories of positive impact from India

To focus on sustainable development goals, platforms need to change from being exclusively focused on profits and value appropriation to perceiving themselves as public goods.
Les berges des zones humides sont souvent colonisées par une végétation émergente qui est progressivement remplacée par une végétation flottante et submergée lorsque l'eau atteint une plus grande profondeur. (Lars L. Iversen)

Les plantes aquatiques, trésors cachés trop souvent oubliés

La pollution urbaine et agricole, la construction de barrages et les sécheresses menacent la survie des plantes aquatiques, qui sont essentielles à la vie dans les rivières, les lacs et les zones humides.
In this photo provided by Chad Fish, the remnants of a large balloon drift above the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of South Carolina, with a fighter jet and its contrail seen below it. (Chad Fish via AP)

China violated international laws and standards with its surveillance balloon

Despite China’s complaints about the United States shooting down its balloon, the U.S. was within its rights — and China has done the same thing in the past.
Las orillas de zonas húmedas y encharcadas suelen estar colonizadas por vegetación emergente que va siendo paulatinamente desplazada por vegetación flotante y sumergida conforme la lámina de agua va alcanzando una mayor profundidad. Lars L. Iversen

Las plantas acuáticas, clave para paliar los efectos del cambio global en los ecosistemas más amenazados del planeta

La contaminación por vertidos urbanos y agrícolas, la construcción de presas y las sequías amenazan la supervivencia de las plantas acuáticas, fundamentales para la vida en ríos, lagos y humedales.
A 21-year-old woman demonstrates outside the White House over the death of Tyre Nichols, who died after being beaten by Memphis police officers on Jan. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Tyre Nichols: U.S. police violence stems from a long history of fighting ‘internal enemies’

In the face of violent crime, both real and imagined, too many U.S. police forces adhere to racist philosophies about rooting out ‘internal enemies’ as they did hundreds of years ago.
A Venezuelan migrant child cries after the police told his family to break up a camp they had set up on the seashore in El Morro, a neighbourhood of Iquique, Chile, in December 2021. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)

Migrants don’t cause crime rates to increase — but false perceptions endure anyway

Increasing fears about crime in Chile can be attributed to the recent influx of immigrants, but research shows those concerns aren’t based in reality.
La recherche préclinique – celle qui précède les essais sur les humains – oriente souvent le choix des traitements potentiels à poursuivre jusqu’aux essais cliniques. Mais les tentatives de reproduction de 50 études ont révélé que les chances d’arriver aux résultats obtenus auparavant n’étaient que d’environ 50 %. (Pexels/Artem Podrez)

Les scientifiques doivent aborder différemment la recherche sur les cancers au stade précoce

Les études précliniques constituent une partie importante de la recherche biomédicale. L’incapacité à reproduire les résultats de la recherche suggère la nécessité d’améliorer la qualité des études.
Sometimes job duties evolve between the time when an employer decides to hire someone and the actual hiring itself. (Shutterstock)

Why the job you apply for may not be the job you get

A recent study about hiring practices sheds light on why some jobs change between when a decision is made to hire someone, and the actual hiring process itself.


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