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Articles on Research impact

Displaying 21 - 40 of 54 articles

Research must have an impact – but what’s the best way to measure it?

Watt report suggests financial incentives for measuring research impact

A government report on research funding and policy has recommended introducing a funding incentive to ensure university research benefits society and business.
Too many academic careers are shaped around writing journal articles nobody reads and planning twice-weekly lectures to a diminishing class of students. flickr/Sixth Lie

Shift away from ‘publish or perish’ puts the public back into publication

Prime Minister Turnbull has signalled a desire to move away from a ‘publish or perish’ academic culture toward one that prioritises public impact and engagement. It’s a challenge scholars should embrace.
The iPhone is a good example of an entire industry built on the back of publicly funded research outcomes. The ‘iPhone fish’ is designed to teach people healthy eating through portion size control. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

There is no easy way to measure the impact of university research on society

Publicly-funded research should contribute to society in some way. But we need to think carefully about how we create a system that allows us to measure the impact of research.
Listen up! Your research too could be in the eye of the storm. thomas koch /

Five things I learned when my research went viral

What’s behind a plant scientist’s research getting reported in over 4,000 media outlets? Here’s her post-game analysis.
It’s now ok to step out of line. Hopscotch via bikeriderlondon/Shutterstock

Cross-subject research finally gets recognition in the REF

Academics love games. We can’t resist playing them – but the Research Excellence Framework (REF) is our favourite. As the results of the UK’s 2014 assessment of university research are digested, academics…
Not a full picture. Missing puzzle pieces via tadamichi/Shutterstock

Game-playing of the REF makes it an incomplete census

Research assessment is only partly reliable as an indicator of the real quality of the work going on in higher education. It has a dual character. On one hand it is rooted in material facts and objective…
UCL has moved ahead of Cambridge in some analysis of the REF 2014 results. Tim Ireland/PA Archive

Oxbridge and London retain grip on university research prowess

The dominance of a “golden triangle” of universities in the latest research assessment exercise has renewed concerns that other universities may get less government research funding in future. The results…
A little bit of impact goes a long way. Chones

The impact of impact on the REF

For the first time, the “impact” of academic research on the wider world has been included in a large-scale assessment of the quality of university research, which has just been published. One-fifth of…

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