Deans and Directors of Creative Arts


The Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts

The Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts is a representative body for the creative arts in Australian Universities. Our discipline base includes visual arts, design, theatre, dance, music, screen production, digital arts and writing.​

The DDCA exists to inform, connect and amplify the voices of people and organisations responsible for scholarly and research leadership of the creative arts in higher education. Our role is to champion the effective leadership of teaching and research in our disciplines, enhancing understanding, promoting diversity, inclusion, excellence, collegiality and sustainability, and contributing to the challenges of our age.

The DDCA publishes NiTRO Creative Matters: perspectives on creative arts in higher education. This is an online platform for the discussion of matters relating to practice, research, teaching, policy and reporting relevant to the creative arts in the university sector.

current issue | MAY 2024

Special Issue: HDR + ECR

Edited by Carina Böhm, Didem Caia, Clare Carlin, Emilie Collyer, Ruth Fogarty

How Life Gets In is the inaugural HDR + ECR edition of Creative Matters.

We are told that when you’re doing a PhD, ‘everything’ is the PhD … But is it? 

The work we received surprised and delighted us in the way it responded to our callout and in its conversation. Many pieces were deeply personal and shone a light into potent moments of life. Themes included time, trauma, art, memory, caring for self and others (children, family, friends), sport, motherhood, fan fiction, mental illness, and ageing.