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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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The mass of the Earth is big enough that the gravitational force it creates can pull the hard shape of ice, rock and metal into a sphere. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data from Miguel Román, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Curious Kids: Why is the Earth round?

Imagine the Earth pulling everything it is made up of, all of its mass, towards its centre. This happens evenly all over the Earth, causing it to take on a round shape.
Ok, which one of you is trying to get attention? I can hear it in your voice. karavai/shutterstock

When girls are in the audience, choir boys sing for attention

Did we evolve the capacity to produce sublime music simply to get more sex? Or are we driven by higher ideals related to living together in harmony? Maybe it’s a bit of both.
The Joides Resolution. Tim Fulton

Explorers probe hidden continent of Zealandia

We have better maps of the moon than Earth’s newest continent, Zealandia. That’s about to change as an international expedition probes the vast undersea plateau of continental crust.
Residents look at the damaged hotel ‘Ane Centro’ after a 8.1 magnitude earthquake in Matias Romero, Oaxaca, Mexico. Angel Hernandez/AAP

Explainer: after an earthquake, how does a tsunami happen?

A 8.1 magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of Mexico on 8 September 2017. Fortunately, initial fears of a damaging tsunami hitting the coastline now appear unfounded.