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Articles on UK elections 2015

Displaying 121 - 140 of 509 articles

Would-be Europeans, survivors of a Mediterranean crossing gone wrong Darrin Zammit/Reuters

Influx of immigrants shines light on the darker side of Europe

German philosopher Jurgen Habermas once famously pronounced the European Union a force for good: A model for what he described as a “cosmopolitan world order.” The Nobel committee agreed and in 2012 awarded…
The UK general election could go either way. The one certainty is that the numbers of seats won won’t match the votes for each party. AAP/Newzulu/Stephen Chung

UK election prediction: this week’s result won’t reflect the voters’ will

This week the “mother of parliaments” faces a general election in the UK. The ‘first past the post’ electoral system means we can’t predict the result with certainty, nor expect it to match the vote.

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