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Health beyond the horizon

Displaying 51 - 60 of 79 articles

d f.

Our climate is our health - but can we have both?

I might be a doctor, but actually I wasn’t always medically-focused. In fact, in my final year of High School, I was captain for the environment. A young college leader, I was passionate about the sustainability…
feb d.

Vending Disease - do we have an emergency?

In hospitals around the nation, and across the world, one can find an impressive collection of machines. Complex, expensive and health-creating – and as the famous Monty Python sketch goes, even the odd…
abby europe.

A crowdsourced voice for the Ministers of Europe

Over the past months, as part of a global team of young people, we have been developing new ways to bring attention to the world’s leading cause of mortality and disability. NCDs, or non-communicable diseases…
fc ea.

Big Soda - do you think we’re all stupid?

In life, the dichotomy between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is usually very blurred. When it comes to food, trying to decide whether something is ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’, is even harder. Red meat, for example, is…