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Displaying 1 - 10 of 15 articles

Office for Emergency Management. War Production Board, c. 1942-3. National Archives and Records Administration (US)

Is it OK to punch Nazis?

On Trump’s inauguration day, alt-right activist Richard Spencer was punched in the street, on camera. The internet’s reaction to this event raises important moral questions around violence and power.

Senator, You’re No Socrates

In his first speech to the senate, new One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts compared himself to Socrates. So, would Socrates today be a climate denialist?
Pauline Hanson, Michael Gove, and Donald Trump. Dragons Abreast Australia; Policy Exchange; Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons

Please don’t explain: Hanson 2.0 and the war on experts

The return of One Nation to parliament threatens to install expertise denialism and conspiracy theory in the heart of Australian democracy.
Australian libertarians have accused doctors of ‘whingeing’ about alcohol-related violence. Thierry Geoffroy/Wikimedia Commons

The argumentum ad whingeum: an idea whose time can’t pass quick enough

The “marketplace of ideas” is usually less a showroom for shiny new models and more of a cheery Op Shop. So it’s a big deal when a genuinely new argument is spotted in the wild – even, or perhaps especially…