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Department of Agriculture and Food - Western Australia

The Department of Agriculture and Food assists the State’s Agriculture, Food and Fibre sectors to be sustainable and profitable, with a clear focus on export-led growth. The Department enhances the international competitiveness of the State’s agribusiness by working with them to meet the increasingly demanding standards for safety and quality of food and fibre products produced in a sustainable way.


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Le manioc, une ressource indispensable pour des millions d’Africains.

Sécurité alimentaire : les enseignements de l’épidémie d’Ebola

Le séquençage génétique rapide utilisé pour combattre l’épidémie d’Ebola en Afrique de l’Ouest pourrait aussi permettre de protéger les cultures de la région.
Cassava feeds 800 million people - keeping it disease-free is a must.

World hunger: what the Ebola virus can teach us about saving crops

Rapid genetic disease screening will be the key to saving East Africa’s crops - just as it was during West Africa’s ebola crisis.


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