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Indonesian Academy of Sciences

The Indonesian Academy of Science (Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) is a honorific society of distinguished scholars in Indonesia. The Academy is an independent body, established by law, to provide scientific policy advise to the Indonesian government.


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Saat ini, ada lebih dari 33 juta siswa yang menimba ilmu di sekolah-sekolah negeri, sementara jumlah mahasiswa sekitar 7 juta. Shutterstock

Agar bisa maju, sekolah di Indonesia harus lebih mengakomodasi minat siswa dan lindungi kebebasan akademik

Minimnya ruang yang aman untuk siswa mengekspresikan diri dan mengembangkan minat akademik mereka bisa jadi suatu alasan kenapa Indonesia kerap memiliki nilai buruk pada indeks-indeks edukasi global.
There are more than 33 million students in Indonesia’s public schools, while the number of those enrolled in universities amounts to around seven million.

Scholars: Indonesia needs to accommodate students’ passion and protect their freedom

The lack of safe spaces for students to express themselves and explore their academic passions can be seen as a reason why Indonesia doesn’t perform well in global education indexes.


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