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Indonesian Documentary Film Center

In-Docs believes that documentary films are powerful tools to create meaningful dialogues, and to motivate people to get involved in creating a more caring, tolerant and sustainable world. However, the infrastructure for documentary filmmaking and viewing in Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia is almost non-existent.

Filmmakers are struggling to create the films that they are passionate about, while the majority of the audience do not have access to watch creative and meaningful documentaries about things that are important to their lives.

In-Docs creates breakthrough programs that improves the capacity of Indonesian filmmakers, improves access for Indonesian audience to watch documentaries, and connects documentary films to strategic partners that help the films achieve strong impact in the society.


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Karakter di film Wiro Sableng (dari kiri ke kanan) : Anggini (Sherina Munaf), Bujang Gila Tapak Sakti (Fariz Alfarazi), Wiro Sableng (Vino G. Bastian), Pangeran (Yusuf Mahardhika) dan Rara Murni (Aghniny Haque) Eriek Juragan

Wiro Sableng: kebangkitan genre silat Indonesia?

Banyak yang menganggap Wiro Sableng adalah film superhero tetapi dari unsur sinematik dan gayanya, Wiro Sableng lebih dekat dengan seni bela diri atau genre silat.
Characters in Wiro Sableng (from left to right) : Anggini (Sherina Munaf), Bujang Gila Tapak Sakti (Fariz Alfarazi), Wiro Sableng (Vino G. Bastian), the Prince (Yusuf Mahardhika) and Rara Murni (Aghniny Haque) Eriek Juragan

Wiro Sableng: a revival of Indonesian martial arts genre?

Many consider Wiro is a superhero movie but from its cinematic elements and style, Wiro Sableng is closer to martial arts or silat genre.
By telling the stories of Boni, Titi and Ho, Jalanan brings to the screen the hardships and precarious lives of marginalised people in one of the most economically promising Asian countries. Courtesy of Jalanan Movie Team

Jalanan: Busking and dreaming in the city

Daniel Ziv’s documentary feature Jalanan (Streetside), currently screening at the Melbourne International Film Festival, is a film that seeks to move its audience. Documentaries sometimes invite viewers…


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