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Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

WSL has the following mission:

In the field of sustainable spatial development, WSL is especially active in the development of mountainous regions and urban agglomerations, and focuses on the following areas: Landscape research; Forest ecology and forest management; Natural hazards and integral risk management; Snow, ice, avalanches and permafrost. As a specialist institute, WSL provides, as far as possible, the following services: Maintaining the Swiss Avalanche Warning System and keeping the public informed about avalanche danger. Running the Swiss Forest Health Division according to Art. 30 Para. 2 of the Forest Ordinance of 30 November, 1992.

Providing scientific and technical support for forest plant protection according to Art. 44 of the Plant Protection Ordinance of 28 February, 2001. The Federal Council assigns the ETH Domain a performance mandate to be renewed every four years. Some of the objectives agreed between the ETH Board and WSL are assigned to WSL. These objectives supplement and substantiate the tasks specified in the regulations.

As a research institute in the ETH Domain, WSL is required to provide world-class research and clear benefits for society and the public in Switzerland. To perform these tasks requires long-term environmental monitoring and, at the same time, the ability to react quickly and flexibly to developments in science and society. WSL is proud of its dual balancing act in finding and maintaining the right balance between, on the one hand, continuity and flexibility, and on the other, excellent research and practical applications.


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Estudo com participação de cientista brasileiro revela como a geografia do clima, e não apenas o clima em si, influencia nos padrões de diversidade das espécies. Birger Strahl/Unsplash

Não são apenas o calor e a umidade que fazem dos climas tropicais os mais biodiversos da Terra

Estudo com participação de cientista brasileiro revela como a geografia do clima, e não apenas o clima em si, influencia nos padrões de diversidade das espécies.
Natural selection can get to work in isolated locations. Birger Strahl/Unsplash

Tropical climates are the most biodiverse on Earth − but it’s not only because of how warm and wet they are

A new study reveals how the geography of global climates influences the rich patterns of species diversity in an ever-changing world.
Ollivier Girard/Center for International Forestry Research

Rising CO2 levels are changing how fast forests cycle water

Higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere are changing how quickly trees process water, which scientists are studying to see if it will affect river flow, flooding and soil moisture.


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