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UK Energy Research Centre

The UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) carries out world-class research into sustainable future energy systems. It is the hub of UK energy research and the gateway between the UK and the international energy research communities. Our interdisciplinary, whole systems research informs UK policy development and research strategy. UKERC is funded by Research Councils UK Energy Programme.

The Centre was established in 2004, following a recommendation from the 2002 Energy Review initiated by Sir David King, the UK Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor. UKERC participates and leads energy research activities internationally as part of its mission to act as a bridge between the UK energy research community and the wider world.


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Demonstrators gather on the opening day of the public inquiry into Lancashire County Council’s decision to refuse permission for fracking at two sites. Reuters Staff

Should fracking decisions be made locally?

There’s a bunfight about whether local or national government should call the shots when it comes to fracking.
Restructuring the market is harder than it looks. David Cheskin/PA

Ofgem faces select committee, but market reform still lags

With high energy prices all anyone can talk about this winter, Ofgem’s interim chief Andrew Wright appeared before MPs today to defend the regulator’s performance. Predictably, he was met with some hostile…


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