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Principal Lecturer of Economics and Finance, University of Portsmouth



University of Auckland 1986
Victoria University of Wellington, 1988 - 1989
University of Southampton 1990 - 1994


Ministry of Defense project, 1995.

Refereed Papers

Sets as Singularities in the Intensional Universe, Abstract of paper published in the Journal of Symbolic Logic 1988. Published in Studia Logica, March 1989, pp 111-128.
Littletons very long-term Structure of Accounting Theory, with M. E. Aiken, Journal of International Accounting, 1991.
A Strictly Finitary Proof of the Non-Triviality of a Paraconsistent System of Set Theory Deductively Equivalent to ZFC, accepted by Archive for Mathematical Logic.

Papers Under Review

Extensional Paraconsistent Set Theory, Journal of Philosophical Logic
On the Essential Undecidability of the Continuum Hypothesis in Extensional Paraconsistent Set Theory, Journal of Philosophical Logic.


Extensional Paraconsistent Logic: Vol. 1, University of Portsmouth 1996

Research Interests

"A Survey of Time Budget Pressure and Irregular Auditing Practices among Newly-Qualified
UK Chartered Accountants" Paper delivered with M.Page at the BAA Conference,
Strathclyde Apr 1993.

"Ethical Problems in Researching Irregular Practices by Junior Accountants" Paper with
M.Page at the Inter-Disciplinary Approaches to Accounting Conference Jan 1994.


  • –present
    Principal Lecturer of Economics and Finance, University of Portsmouth