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Christine A. Ward-Paige

CEO, Lead Scientist - eOceans, Dalhousie University

I am the founder, CEO, and Lead Scientist of eOceans!

eOceans is known for bringing individuals and communities across academia, government, industry, non-governmental organizations, and recreational groups together to generate real-time, collaborative, and transparent ocean discoveries that enable fast knowledge-based decisions and actions. I started eOceans in 2013, while on maternity leave, to raise awareness about the need for collaboration between ocean users and scientists. I pivoted in 2015 to umbrella my research projects (eShark, Great Fiji Shark Count, eManta, Global Marine Conservation Assessment, and Global Shark Sanctuary Evaluation).

I am a big believer in the co-generation of knowledge, data, management, and actions to enable sustainable and equitable access to ocean resources.

In 2020, I launched the first eOceans mobile app to empower individuals to track their own ocean activities and observations and to create teams to collaborate and track the issues that matter to them. As a researcher, I will use the eOceans platform to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration of my own science, but I am also making the platform available to all individuals and projects so that everyone can benefit.

I believe the oceans will be much more exciting and valuable, now and for future generations, if we all work together.


  • 2018–2018
    CEO, eOceans


  • 2010 
    Dalhousie Univeristy, PhD