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Professor of Health Care Research, University of Hertfordshire

Claire is a district nurse by background and Professor of Health Care Research at the Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care (CRIPACC) at the University of Hertfordshire. Her research focuses on the oldest old and how primary health care works with social care and long term care providers to support this population.

She leads a programme of nationally funded funded studies on health care provision to care homes that includes evaluations of interventions to support end of life care for older people with dementia.

She is a founder member of the Enabling Research in Care Homes (ENRICH) project board that is run through the Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) and has worked with the British Geriatrics Society on their recent review of NHS support to care homes. She has published widely in academic and professional journals and books and is the co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Primary Care and Community Nursing.


  • –present
    Professor of Health Care Research, University of Hertfordshire


  • 1998 
    University of Hertfordshire, Nursing