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Associate Professor, Institute of Agriculture, University of Sydney

'Agriculture is best served by integrating science and economics with its communities’ aspirations and values. With this integration we can promote learning that will engage and inspire our students.'

My research can be summarised into three soil-related themes, starting with; fundamental questions, such as, how to assess the energy involved in soil aggregation affecting soil structure in agro-ecosystems. Building on this by developing models of the soil that can be developed to assess the soil’s functionality, and how this helps us to demonstrate the role of soil security in addressing some of the existential global sustainability challenges we are facing.

I also have a strong interest in developing the teaching and learning curriculum within my institution, nationally and internationally, for undergraduates and postgraduates. This has been supported by a number of small and large teaching grants, including Australian Learning and Teaching Council and industry grants received from the the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).

More details can be seen on my website.


  • 2007–present
    Associate Professor, The Univeristy of Sydney