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Senior Tutor in Humanitarian Studies, University of Manchester

Eric is a peace scholar whose current research explores spaces of contact and the construction of community which includes the ‘other’ in conflict-affected societies. He is particularly interested in the unorthodox, resistant, and unexpected spaces where peace is being enacted and imagined against a backdrop of division.

The product of an interdisciplinary social science education Eric holds a PhD from the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute at University of Manchester (UK), an MA in International Peace Studies from the Kroc Institute of International Peace Studies at University of Notre Dame (USA), as well as a BA and BSW from University of Waterloo (Canada).


Until 31 July 2019
Senior Tutor at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute at University of Manchester.

After 1 August 2019
Visiting Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at University of Waterloo - Conrad Grebel University College


  • –present
    Senior Tutor in Humanitarian Studies, University of Manchester