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Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biomedical Engineer, Upper Airway & Sleep Physiologist, Neuroscience Research Australia

Dr Jason Amatoury is a biomedical engineer and medical researcher at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) in Sydney, and holds conjoint academic appointments at the University of New South Wales and University of Sydney.

Jason's research is focused on utilising both physiology and engineering to better understand the causes of sleep-related breathing disorders (such as obstructive sleep apnoea) and develop new & improved methods for their diagnosis and treatment. He has a general interest in all areas of sleep research, though with a particular focus on upper airway physiology & mechanics. He utilises a broad range of approaches to tackle his research, including clinical studies, physiological experimentation, biomedical imaging, biological signal processing, physical bench modelling and computational finite element modelling. Jason also has a strong interest in the quantification of snoring, particularly in relation to its soft tissue vibrations and their potential pathological impact on the carotid artery and surrounding pharyngeal tissues.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Upper Airway & Sleep Physiology, Biomedical Engineering , Neuroscience Research Australia