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Jay Ramasubramanyam

Doctoral Candidate, Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University

Jay Ramasubramanyam is a PhD candidate in the Department of Law and Legal Studies with a specialization in Political Economy, at Carleton University, Ottawa. He was awarded the Graduate Fellowship in Migration and Diaspora Studies by Carleton University for 2018-2019. Prior to his doctoral candidature, he was employed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a Refugee Status Determination Associate and in the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a Protection Field Officer.

Jay is currently studying the characterization and construction of ‘refugeehood’ in India and will examine the understandings that have guided such constructions. Jay’s project will relate to the broader significance of such conceptualizations with respect to refugee protection in South Asia and more generally in relation to the global refugee regime.


  • –present
    Doctoral Candidate, Carleton University


  • 2011 
    Birmingham City University, Master of Law, International Human Rights