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Professor of the Practice, Department of Drama and Dance, Tufts University

Jennifer Burton is a filmmaker and helms the independent film company Five Sisters Productions. Her films include Kings, Queens, & In-Betweens (a documentary on gender, identity, and drag, 2016), The Happiest Day of His Life (MTV/Logo) and Manna From Heaven (MGM/SONY). Corporate projects include the "Your Ford Story" campaign of mini-documentary commercials for Ford Motor Company and film/storytelling workshops for L Brands, Inc. Working with Tufts student filmmakers, she has produced the Half the History project, a series of short films on women in American history, and Old Guy, as comedic take on agism in the media. Her publications include Call and Response: Key Debates in African American Studies (W. W. Norton), co-edited with Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and The Prize Plays and Other One-Acts: Zora Neale Hurston, Eulalie Spence, Marita Bonner, and Others(Macmillan/G.K. Hall). Burton earned her Ph.D. from Harvard University in English and American Literature, writing her dissertation on hope in American literature and film.


  • –present
    Professor of the Practice, Department of Drama and Dance, Tufts University