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Programme Leader - Physiotherapy, University of Huddersfield

Jonathan Flynn BSc (Hons) MSc MSOM FHEA is the programme leader for Physiotherapy and joined the University in 2004. Jonathan completed his pre registration training at Leeds Metropolitan University (now Leeds Beckett) and returned to complete his MSc in Sports and Exercise Injury Management having practiced in and around the Yorkshire region in both the NHS and the private sector.

Jonathan’s primary background is diverse and his holds a specialist interest in musculoskeletal (particularly manual therapy and exercise prescription), neurology (particularly movement science), cardiovascular (particularly advanced cardiac rehabilitation) and collectively sports specific injuries, which affect all systems. Jonathan has over 10 years experience in academia and has externally examined for over 4 years. His current role as course leader means he has extensive knowledge of course planning, assessment, subject review as well as dealing with external partners. His doctoral research is focused around simulation, manual therapy and skill acquisition although he is often asked to contribute and participate in other research areas.

Jonathan is an experienced reviewer and currently reviews research for the ‘Physiotherapy Pain Association’ as well as fulfilling a non-executive role, the ‘Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine’ as well as sitting on the research committee and also reviews for ‘Physios in Sport’. Jonathan has extensive experience in planning and delivering short course continuing professional development (CPD) activities. Jonathan also has experience in social enterprise as well as developing employment opportunities and non-traditional roles for Physiotherapy graduates. His teaching spans the entire curriculum and he has regularly input across all years. Jonathan’s particularly enjoy s engaging students in life long learning and promoting an adult learner approach. In many ways his teaching philosophy has been developed from his background in coaching, he completed his teaching qualification in 2005 and is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Jonathan has undergone extensive postgraduate training and continuing professional development (CPD) and certification in all the major paradigms of neuromusculoskeletal medicine, for examples, Maitland, McKenzie, Cyriax, McConnell, Kinetic Control, Sahrmann as well as numerous fitness industry certifications including British weightlifting. Jonathan also remains current and up to date by still practicing Physiotherapy.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield