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Head of the Centre for Education & Industry, University of Warwick

Julian Stanley is Head of Centre for Education & Industry, and Regional Director for Southern England at the University of Warwick. Julian taught for 18 years in secondary schools in London and Essex. During this time he managed departments of economics and business studies and co-ordinated work experience and vocational education. Since 2001 Julian has worked at the University of Warwick as a researcher, evaluator and writer of educational resources and guidance.

His research focused on work related learning, work based learning, policy and reform in education and curriculum and qualifications development.

Julian has been particularly active in carrying out research, consultation and evaluation relating to the development of the 14-19 Diplomas. He has led national evaluations and international research projects in the areas of enterprise education and qualification development.

Julian has also carried out a number of evaluations of museum and gallery education programmes at local, regional and national levels.


  • –present
    Head of the Centre for Education & Industry, University of Warwick