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Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care, Liverpool John Moores University

I am a senior lecturer in the school of Nursing and Allied Health, with a background in nursing. My research is in Visual Sociology, Qualitative Social Research and Higher Education. My PhD research was around the experiences of people who have been poisoned by carbon monoxide, and are living with the aftermath. This was funded by the Gas Safety Trust.

I am a member of the All Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group (APPCOG)'s Sci-tech group, where we discuss and support each other with research that looks at all aspects of CO. If you are undertaking such research and are interested in becoming a member, please contact me.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Health and Social Care, Liverpool John Moores University


  • 2019 
    Liverpool John Moores University, PhD
  • 2001 
    University of Kent at Canterbury, MA Health Studies