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Chair of the Child Protection Research Centre, The University of Edinburgh

Julie Taylor is the inaugural chair of the Child Protection Research Centre, an innovative partnership between the University of Edinburgh and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). Before taking up post in early 2013, she was Head of Strategy and Development (Abuse in High Risk Families) with the NSPCC whilst on a three year secondment from her post as Professor of Family Health in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dundee.

A nurse by profession, funded research has been focused around optimal service delivery conditions for child care and protection practice, including ‘good enough’ parenting debates. She is the author of five books and over 100 academic papers in child care and protection, most recently focused on children living with domestic abuse experience and child neglect.


  • –present
    Chair of the Child Protection Research Centre, University of Edinburgh
