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M. Dolores Cimini

Director for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research, University at Albany, State University of New York

Dolores Cimini is a New York State licensed psychologist who has provided leadership since 1982 on a number of federal, state, and private grant-funded programs. She is currently the project director for more than $2.8 million in federal grants addressing high-risk drinking and other prevention issues, including a grant under the NIAAA Rapid Response to College Drinking Problems program and the SAMHSA Campus-Based Targeted Capacity Enhancement Grant for Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for students seeking health care through the University.

Cimini has also served as project director for two U.S. Department of Education grant projects, including the Alcohol and Drug Prevention Model Programs Grant. She is the director of the Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program at UAlbany, an agency recognized as a model/exemplary program in alcohol abuse prevention by both the U.S. Department of Education and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She has published professional articles in both national and international refereed journals in the alcohol and substance abuse field.


  • –present
    Assistant Director for Prevention and Program Evaluation, University at Albany, State University of New York