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Professor Emeritus of Economic Geography, London School of Economics and Political Science

Is Professor Emeritus of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics. He was previously Professor of Urban and Regional Economics at the University of Reading and has held Visiting Professorships at Universities in the US, the ETH in Zurich and Bocconi, Milan. He is the current President of the European Regional Science Association.

He has been engaged in research on urban and regional issues, especially urban growth in Europe, and on the economic effects of land use planning, since the early 1980s and has published widely in these and other fields. He has a particular expertise in comparative urban data for European countries and the hedonic analysis of spatial housing markets. He has been a consultant to a number of U.K. government departments, including the Dept. of Environment and its successor departments as well as the Treasury and the Department of Industry. He is currently on two of the Department of Communities & Local Government's Expert Panels and was an 'Academic Friend' for the Eddington Study of Transport.

He was a consultant on urban and regional policy to the European Commission from 1983 to 1989 and from time to time since then on regional and urban economic issues. He has also acted as a consultant to the OECD, the UN and the World Bank. He was a member of the ESRC's Environment and Planning Panel from 1983-87 and has directed numerous ESRC funded research projects. In addition to consultancy for government and international organisations and academic research he has consulted widely for commercial organisations on issues relating to real estate, land use, European urban and regional growth and European integration.

He is a past winner of the Donald Robertson Memorial Prize, the Royal Economic Society's prize for Best Paper in the Economic Journal (2004) and the Grosvenor Prize for best paper on Development (2007). He has recently held a Leverhulme Research Fellowship and a Research Fellowship at the Lincoln Land Institute in Cambridge MA. He is an elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a board member of the National Housing and Planning Advice Unit.


  • –present
    Professor Emeritus of Economic Geography, London School of Economics