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Reader in Thai Cultural Studies, SOAS, University of London

Rachel Harrison is Senior Lecturer in Thai Cultural Studies at SOAS, University of London. She has published widely on issues of gendered difference, sexuality, modern literature and cinema in Thailand as well as the comparative literature of South East Asia. She is co-founder of the SOAS Centre for Gender Studies and editor of South East Asia Research.

She has recently published, in collaboration with Peter A. Jackson, an edited collection on The Ambiguous Allure of the West: Traces of the Colonial in Thailand with Hong Kong University Press and SEAP, Cornell and she is currently compiling an edited collection on new directions and frames of analysis in Thai literature. Two further volumes, evolving from the Ambiguous Allure of the West international research project funded by the AHRC, refer to the cultural relationship between Thailand and the West in terms of literary and cinematic developments: they are Roots of Comparison: Thai Literature and the West, and Mon-rak I-Pod: The Rise of New Thai Cinema.


  • –present
    Reader in Thai Cultural Studies, SOAS, University of London