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Raymond Matthews

Research Fellow, Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory, Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre, University of South Australia

Dr Raymond Matthews is a sleep and fatigue researcher at the University of South Australia’s Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre. Dr Matthews’ research interests in sleep and fatigue stem from a background in military aviation, with a primary focus on neurocognitive performance in individuals, as well as team environments, and interactions with technology.

After being awarded the Tony Winefield PhD Prize for the best PhD thesis, Dr Matthews undertook simulation based research at the Appleton Institute for Behavioural Science, CQUniversity, followed by a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. During this Fellowship and as an Adjunct Research Fellow at Stockholm University’s Stress Research Institute, Dr Matthews investigated the performance of on-call physicians at Sweden’s largest hospital.

Dr Matthews typically leads research programs focused on the interactions of the sleep and circadian systems, the effects of sleep loss and shift work and the ways people protect themselves against fatigue-related errors using scheduling and countermeasures.


  • –present
    Research Fellow, Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory, Behaviour-Brain-Body Research Centre, University of South Australia