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Fellow - Melbourne Law School; Senior Researcher - Climate Council; Associate - Australian-German Climate and Energy College, The University of Melbourne

Tim's research interests are diverse but centre around climate change law, broadly construed to include corporate social responsibility, torts, planning law and administrative law, as well as the more traditional concern with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change-led processes and domestic climate politics.

He is currently undertaking a thesis at the Melbourne Law School entitled Justiciability and the environment – Challenging current conceptions of separation of powers in light of existential environmental threats which is being supervised by Professor Lee Godden and Associate Professor Jason Varuhas. In simple terms, the thesis seeks to unpack the legal hurdles which might prevent the Commonwealth being found liable in negligence for their insufficient efforts to mitigate climate change. The thesis was inspired by the judgment of The Hague District Court in Urgenda Foundation v Netherlands ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2015:7196 [2015] C09456689 HA ZA 13-1396.


  • 2015–present
    Associate, Australian German Climate and Energy College
  • 2018–present
    Fellow, Melbourne Law School


  • 2013 
    Monash University, Master of Laws (Juris Doctor)