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Future Fire Risk Analyst, The University of Melbourne

Tom Fairman is a forest scientist who works as a Future Fire Risk Analyst at the School of Ecosystem & Forest Sciences at The University of Melbourne. He has a background in fire ecology, forest ecology, forestry, urban forest research and forest carbon assessment and modelling. He has worked across forest and fire management in the government and research sector. He holds a PhD in forest and fire ecology, specifically the ecology of temperate eucalypt forests and the effect of increasingly frequent wildfires on the structure and dynamics.


  • 2021–2021
    Future Fire Risk Analyst, The University of Melbourne


  • 2019 
    The University of Melbourne, PhD
  • 2010 
    The University of Melbourne, Master of Forest Ecosystem Science
  • 2007 
    The University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Science


  • 2021
    Responding to the biodiversity impacts of a megafire: A case study from south‐eastern Australia’s Black Summer, Diversity and Distributions
  • 2019
    Short-interval wildfires increase likelihood of resprouting failure in fire-tolerant trees, Journal of Environmental Management
  • 2017
    Frequent wildfires erode tree persistence and alter stand structure and initial composition of a fire‐tolerant sub‐alpine forest, Journal of Vegetation Science
  • 2015
    Too much, too soon? A review of the effects of increasing wildfire frequency on tree mortality and regeneration in temperate eucalypt forests, International Journal of Wildland Fire
  • 2014
    Fuel reduction burning mitigates wildfire impacts on forest carbon and greenhouse gas emission, International Journal of Wildland Fire
  • 2010
    An indicative estimate of carbon stocks on Victoria's publicly managed land using FullCAM, Australian Forestry