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Articles on Crystal meth

Displaying 21 - 27 of 27 articles

Instead, we need to adopt a harm-minimisation approach. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Awareness campaigns need to target the real victims of ice

International evidence suggests “awareness” campaigns are not the best way to address harmful methamphetamine use. Fear-based approaches can increase stigma and drive people from treatment.
Only a small proportion of Australians who use methamphetamines fall into a category of dependent users. Thomas Hawk/Flickr

Political fear-mongering just magnifies the harm ice can do

There is no doubt methamphetamine can cause harm. But when politicians hijack drug issues and overplay them for political purposes, that too can cause harm.
The use of crystal meth among Australians continues to increase and remains at a high level, according to a new report. AAP/NSW Police

Ice age: the rise of crystal meth in Australia

The 2012-13 Australian Crime Commission (ACC) Illicit Drug Data Report, released earlier this week, provides mounting evidence that crystal meth is becoming a large-scale problem for law enforcement and…

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