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Articles on immigration work

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An anti-immigrant mood has been sweeping the West, such as in Finland. Scanpix Sweden/Reuters

Why we’re wrong to blame immigrants for our sputtering economies

Many politicians in the West – from backers of Brexit to Donald Trump – have convinced voters that immigrants are hurting their economies. The evidence suggests otherwise.
Data, like fruit, can be selectively picked. Joe Giddens/PA Wire

Hard Evidence: are migrants good for the economy?

Two studies about the impact of migration on the UK economy have been published which – if media reports are to believed – appear to contradict one another. A closer reading of these reports, however…
I don’t want to be a care worker when I grow up. DFID - UK Department for International Development

Zimbabwean graduate migrants are more than just ‘British bottom cleaners’

Zimbabwean migrants to Britain are often referred to by those at home as being the BBC – British bottom cleaners – fit only for the most menial roles in the former colonial “mother country”. But our research…

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