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Articles on Cancer

Displaying 801 - 820 of 869 articles

Jacques Miller discovered the function of the thymus gland, which changed immunology forever.

Gus Nossal: It’s Australian Jacques Miller’s turn for a Nobel Prize

Every year at the beginning of October, a frisson runs through the global medical research community. Who will win the greatest lottery of them all, the Nobel Prize for Medicine? In a cynical and sceptical…
More than seven thousand Australians die each year of lung cancer but not all are smokers. Flickr/Social is better

Lung cancer patients deserve greater support, whether they smoke or not

Each year 40,000 Australians die from cancer-related illness – the number one cause being lung cancer. Surprised? You’re not alone. According to a recent Galaxy poll which asked asked Australians which…

Human cells know when to zip it

We’ve known for a while that human cells “talk” to one another, but new research has found thy know when to shut up, too…
Many DIYers are not aware of the strict regulations about how asbestos should be removed. OregonDOT/Flickr

DIY renovators now most at risk of asbestos cancers

A study published in the Medical Journal of Australia todays says the increase in the number of malignant mesothelioma cases in Western Australia over the past decade is the result of home renovation and…
Scientists have discovered new ways to regulate hormones that stimulate cancer growth. Now those insights could be used to control other hormones, such as oxytocin, the natural ‘love drug’ released after orgasm. Flickr/D. Sharon Pruitt

Lung cancer breakthrough yields new love hormone insights

Scientists have discovered a new way of controlling a hormone that stimulates cancer growth and, along the way, gained new insight into how the feel-good hormone oxytocin can be regulated. Researchers…
Those who smoke within 30 minutes of waking are 1.79 times as likely to develop lung cancer than smokers who light up more than an hour after waking. Flickr/lanier67

Smoking soon after waking boosts cancer risk

Smokers who light up within 30 minutes of waking up are 1.79 times as likely to develop lung cancer as those who have their first cigarette at least an hour after waking up, a study has found. It’s no…

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