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Articles on Diet

Displaying 661 - 667 of 667 articles

Improving diet can improve mental health outcomes, the study found. Flickr/PinkStock Photos!

Poor diet linked to teen mental health problems

Adolescents who eat unhealthily are more likely to develop mental health problems than those with good diets, a new study has found However, switching to a better diet could improve mental health, according…

All hail the humble, healthy potato

Researchers have found that a couple servings of potatoes a day reduces blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without…
Restricting food intake can trigger a process by which certain brain cells start to consume fats within their cellular structure, a study found. Flickr/dierk schaefer

How hunger makes your brain eat itself

Dieting can cause brain cells to eat themselves, a new study has found. In a paper published by the journal Cell Metabolism, US researchers report that tests on mice revealed that hunger triggers a process…
Living close to fast food outlets drives up junk food consumption, a US study found. But Australian researchers say that’s not necessarily the Antipodean experience. Fotopedia/Marius Mézerette

Fast food neighbourhoods linked to junk diet in the U.S.

Living near fast food outlets leads to higher consumption of junk foods but living close to supermarkets stocked with fruit and vegetables doesn’t mean a healthier diet, a U.S. study has found. However…

Yo-yo dieting may not damage your health

Yo-yo dieters may be healthier and live longer than those who stay obese, a new Ohio University study finds. “If the conventional…
Eating an extra 100g per day of processed meat, such as salami, increases bowel cancer risk by 36%, according to the most extensive study ever on the topic. Flickr

Don’t bring home the bacon: study links deli meats to bowel cancer

Red meats and processed meats like bacon, salami and sausage are strongly associated with bowel cancer, according to the most authoritative study ever on the issue. The report by the World Cancer Research…

Tax sugary drinks to reduce demand

Taxing sugary drinks could reduce the amount consumed by almost a quarter, according to an America study. Yale University…

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