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Articles on Heart disease

Displaying 221 - 240 of 277 articles

Dark chocolate improves heart health

Eating dark chocolate appears to improve cardiovascular health, new research shows. Researchers analysed 44 middle-aged overweight…
Time to take the train. Ammar Shaker

Heart disease and road accidents hit rich Arab nations

People in Arab countries are now living longer with less disability, but face a rise in problems related to chronic illness such as heart disease, according to a new paper in The Lancet. With the exception…
BMI isn’t the only measure of health. Gynti_46

Being healthy and obese is a myth, researchers say

People who are obese and have normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood-sugar readings will still be unhealthy and die sooner compared with people who have a normal body weight, according to researchers…

Blood pressure reduced by radio waves

The application of radio currents can help reduce the level of blood pressure in patients with severe hypertension, according…
Statins have improved the quality of life for many people who would have otherwise suffered debilitating cardiovascular disease. Mykl Roventine

Some things you should know about statins and heart disease

Cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke) causes the most deaths in Western countries overall and the vast majority of premature deaths. Drugs known as statins have been the cornerstone of how we…
Gilded patches can now aid the growth of heart tissue. Findingthenow

Using nano gold to patch up broken hearts

Gold is one of our most valuable commodities but its use extends far beyond jewellery and gold bars. It’s a conductive material and is helping us to develop new medical innovations such as specialised…
It’s a numbers game: warning of heart attack risk is reassuring but misleading. Flickr/ansik

Regulator still falling short over painkiller warnings

Millions of people use diclofenac, an over-the-counter painkiller, to relieve pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, backache and other conditions. But on Friday, the UK medicines regulator, the Medicines…
Are women are more likely to survive broken heart syndrome? Gabriela Camerotti

A broken heart has some truth to it after all

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy – the strange heart condition that may shed some light on some anecdotal tales about broken hearts.
Older people who are obese more likely to suffer from stiffened arteries and an increased risk of heart disease than younger people, a study suggests. Clara Molden/PA

Obesity in middle age more likely to harden arteries

Too much body fat in middle age increases hardening of arteries, according to a new study by researchers at Imperial College London. The study looked at 200 volunteers aged from 18 to 80 and found that…
Intestinal bacteria of meat eaters feed on a nutrient found in red meat to produce a compound which can clog arteries. Image from

Nutrient in red meat linked to heart disease

A nutrient found red meat may increase the risk of heart disease when it interacts with the bacteria in the human gut, according to a paper published this week in Nature Medicine. The results point to…

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