Videos have surfaced appearing to show people feeding a crocodile in the same area where a crocodile killed a man who slipped from the river bank into the water.
Despite the filthy waters they often reside in, saltwater crocodiles don’t get sick that often. Perhaps we could one day harness the special proteins that help them.
While crocodiles are not native to Canada, fossil traces have been found in northern British Columbia that indicate that during the Cretaceous Period, giant crocodiles roamed.
Reptiles get a bad rap, but this is because they’re misunderstood. Promoting healthy reptile pet ownership can contribute to conservation and education efforts.
Gunggamarandu maunala is the first Australian croc discovered from a group called the tomistomines. And its prehistoric presence in modern-day Queensland means there could be more discoveries to come.
For an ecologist working in a tangle of creeks in North Queensland, crocodiles are a tangible threat. We are food to them, yet we must learn to co-exist with these creatures.
The strange appearance of three humpback whales in a Kakadu river threw up many questions – including whether they’d come out on top in a fight with a crocodile.
While crocodylian fossil swim traces have been described from other continents, to the best of our knowledge the examples we describe are the first such reptilian swim traces from Africa.
Pedro L. Godoy, Stony Brook University (The State University of New York)
Paleontologists created an evolutionary map of how croc body size changed over the last 200 million years – with some interesting implications for today’s species.
Managing Director, Triple Helix Consulting; Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Professorial Fellow, ANU Fenner School for the Environment and Society, Australian National University
Senior Lecturer in Political Science: Research Fellow at the Cairns Institute; Research Associate for Centre for Policy Futures, University of Queensland, James Cook University