Would copying other states and dropping the default limit by just ten kilometres on country roads in WA and NT make a difference? And how might it be enforced?
Increasing awareness of the dangers ‘forever chemical’ road salts pose to our fresh water systems highlights the urgent importance of finding new approaches to de-icing our roads.
Automobile technology provides opportunities for older drivers to maintain their independence and autonomy, but cars need to be designed with their needs in mind.
Imagine an NBA game played outdoors in August, with no substitutions and players wearing snowsuits, gloves and ski masks. Race car drivers routinely compete under similar conditions.
Electric vehicles, in contrast to fuel-powered vehicles, have more mileage in city driving than highway driving. This is because they convert kinetic energy back to electric.
Learner drivers in New South Wales are subject to some of the most stringent requirements before getting their licences – but our study shows it doesn’t necessarily make them safer drivers.
Uber is eyeing a service to take children wherever their parents would otherwise have to drive them themselves. Some might see it as a lifesaver, but it’s problematic for many reasons.
Sidhu is not being deported as punishment. He is being removed because he has been positioned as a foreigner in Canada who has lost the privilege to remain.