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Articles on Neuroscience

Displaying 81 - 100 of 708 articles

Researchers are working on untangling the neural circuitry of chronic and acute pain. Victor Habbick Visions/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Chronic pain can be objectively measured using brain signals – new research

Pain has long been subjectively measured, leading to frustrations for patients and doctors alike. Identifying neural biomarkers of pain could improve diagnosis and lead to better treatments of chronic pain conditions.
Changes in the synapses between neurons is responsible for learning and memory. KTSDESIGN/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Memories may be stored in the membranes of your neurons

Pinpointing where memories are stored in the brain and how they are transmitted could provide new targets to treat neurological diseases and serve as models for neuromorphic computing.
If you’re looking to shed a few pounds, you might want to take a close look of this burger. Shutterstock/Prostock-studio

How watching others eat junk food can suppress our appetite and help us lose weight

Healthy eating campaigns tend to put forward images of nutritious foods. But science shows there is a more effective and counterintuitive way of steering people away from junk food.
A class of inhibitory neurons can make long-distance connections across both hemispheres of the brain. akinbostanci/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Cognitive flexibility is essential to navigating a changing world – new research in mice shows how your brain learns new rules

Learning new rules requires the suppression of old ones. A better understanding of the brain circuits involved in behavioral adaptation could lead to new ways to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Watching this one-year old going to sleep might make you want to go to sleep too. Shutterstock

These neurons are the reason you yawn when you see others do it – and they could help us teach children more creatively too

Mirror neurons play a fundamental role in learning by imitation and observation or empathy. This is why we should take them into account when developing new educational tools.
Bringing scientific research online can help improve collaboration to a degree. Hiroshi Watanabe/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Building better brain collaboration online – despite scientific squabbles, the decade-long Human Brain Project brought measurable success to neuroscience collaboration

The European Union’s 10-year Human Brain Project is coming to a close. Whether this controversial 1 billion-euro project achieved its aims is unclear, but its online forum did foster collaboration.

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