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Articles on Polarization

Displaying 81 - 85 of 85 articles

Sharing election hashtags: Dots are Twitter accounts; lines show retweeting; larger dots are retweeted more. Red dots are likely bots; blue ones are likely humans. Clayton Davis

Misinformation on social media: Can technology save us?

If people can be conned into jeopardizing our children’s lives, as they do when they opt out of immunizations, could they also be conned out of democracy?
The nation’s political chasm – already wide – has grown even more since 2012. 'Partisanship' via

Can America’s deep political divide be traced back to 1832?

Elected officials and the media are in cahoots. Both have succumbed to a two-party system that treats voters not as independent thinkers, but as blind partisans.

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