The health benefits of shifting to a low-carbon transport system could be greater than those achieved by anti-smoking policies, according to a major new study released today.
Upgrading Sydney’s bus stops would greatly improve access, equity, comfort and dignity for public transport users – at much less cost than the new rail project.
The surge in online purchases is increasing parcel delivery traffic and emissions. One solution is to take advantage of the trips people are already making to get parcels to their destinations.
Serious air pollution is a common problem in stations around Australia and the world. But solutions already exist, and some can be applied immediately to protect station staff and commuters.
Timothy Welch, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
By moving to scrap the Auckland regional fuel tax, the government continues a decades-long pattern of transport policy U-turns that leave the city – and country – without a sustainable way forward.
Hussein Dia, Swinburne University of Technology; Hadi Ghaderi, Swinburne University of Technology, and Tariq Munir, Swinburne University of Technology
Support for road-user charging strengthens when people are assured that revenue goes into reducing traffic congestion, maintaining transport infrastructure, improving public transport.
Rail has long been hailed as the cleanest means of public transport. HS2’s demise will undermine the UK’s ability to improve its rail infrastructure and potentially lead to greater inequality.
Amid bus route cuts and rail strikes, can the answer to our future public transport needs be found in the hi-tech prototypes being trialled around the UK?
Brisbane was the first Australian city to accept rideshare e-scooters. After some growing pains, residents, visitors and the city itself are enjoying the benefits, a new study finds.
Kevin Trenberth, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
The BlackRock climate fund is a start, but New Zealand needs a comprehensive approach to tackling its various environmental and economic vulnerabilities to the climate crisis.
Cycling in Canada has been experiencing a great boom in recent years. Yet, there was no consistent and complete way to measure cycling infrastructure, until now.