Kenyan artist Allan Mwangi paints a mural of George Floyd in Kibera, Nairobi. GORDWIN ODHIAMBO/AFP via Getty Images January 31, 2021 Racism has a physical impact on the body – here’s how Nina G. Jablonski, Penn State Racism affects health and often leads to early death. We now know in greater and more alarming detail how this happens.
A Black Lives Matter protester in Senegal. JOHN WESSELS/AFP via Getty Images July 8, 2020 How the dimensions of human inequality affect who and what we are Göran Therborn, University of Cambridge A leading sociologist explains how different dimensions of humanity produce different kinds of inequality - and what that does to the least equal in society.
Patricia De Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images July 2, 2020 Why does racism prevail? Leading scholars apply their minds Nina G. Jablonski, Penn State and Barney Pityana, University of South Africa There are, scientifically, no human races. How did race come to have this power and this durability?