The death toll on Australian roads in July was almost a third higher than the five-year average. The 12-month toll was the highest since 2012. A lower speed limit will save lives.
Would copying other states and dropping the default limit by just ten kilometres on country roads in WA and NT make a difference? And how might it be enforced?
Shared e-scooters have safety features that private e-scooters lack, but accident data don’t distinguish between them, nor tell us about the economic and environmental harms of other transport modes.
Understanding what to do when faced with flooding on the road is an important, yet often overlooked aspect of driver education, which could be the difference between life and death.
The number of deaths on Australian roads has been increasing steadily year after year. It’s unacceptable not to act on the evidence of what works to boost road safety.
Hussein Dia, Swinburne University of Technology and Ali Matin, Swinburne University of Technology
Roughly half of people surveyed support the development of autonomous vehicles. But a third were undecided about many aspects and will need to be convinced about their safety and other benefits.
Many measures commonly thought to reduce the toll of animals injured and killed on our roads aren’t effective. But there is evidence to support other solutions.
The growing popularity of e-scooters has seen a surge in related injuries. They may not be more common than cycling injuries – but they may be more serious.
Australian road deaths have risen to levels not seen in nearly a decade. If the current trend continues, meeting the ‘Vision Zero’ target by 2050 appears impossible.
As you travel around the country this holidays, you might see some roadside trailers or tripods. They’re mobile road safety cameras and they can catch out a range of bad driver behaviour.
Increasing awareness of the dangers ‘forever chemical’ road salts pose to our fresh water systems highlights the urgent importance of finding new approaches to de-icing our roads.
Timothy Welch, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
With the Clean Car Discount under threat, more large, polluting and dangerous vehicles will hit New Zealand roads. That will further discourage walking and cycling.
Most drivers admit to speeding and it’s causing an increasing number of deaths on our roads. Using intelligent speed assist technology can reverse this deadly trend.
The High Court has ruled the right to charge an electric vehicle tax rests with the Commonwealth despite the Constitution not mentioning cars or roads.