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Articles on Australian Research Council

Displaying 1 - 20 of 35 articles

The compact fluorescent lamp was primarily developed by private companies such as General Electric, Philips and Osram rather than in publicly funded research institutions. Marcus Williams/Flickr

If we want to promote innovation we need to focus on businesses

Research institutions don’t have a monopoly on innovation. In fact, most innovation comes out of business, and it’s this sector that needs more attention in innovation policy.
Gagging clauses in contracts permit purchasers of research to modify, substantially delay, or prohibit the reporting of findings. stallio/Flickr

Governments shouldn’t be able to censor research results they don’t like

Government departments often commission research to help them understand and respond to policy issues. But they impose contract conditions that threaten to undermine the integrity of the work.
Current research metrics only reward publishing in academic journals and effectively punish publishing in the popular press. Tobias von der Haar/Flickr

We need to stop punishing scientists for talking to the public

If we want scientists to spent time sharing their discoveries with the general public, then we need to change research metrics to reward them for their efforts.

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